Category: Books, Movies, TV

Dialog Unlikely To Be Used, volume 3

The entirely dramatic and very serious History of the United Colonies will return next week; meanwhile, here is another in the occasional series archiving my daily Twitter posts of dialog you will probably (though not certainly) never hear in any…

Dr Who: Deep Breath

In the most recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine, which arrived in my mailbox just a few days before Deep Breath aired, Steven Moffat described his approach to the Twelfth Doctor’s premiere. He’s been saying for a while he plans…

Thinking About Superman

Superman is my favorite superhero. With the new movie coming out tomorrow (as I type this), I’ve been thinking about that lately. What follows is a ramble through those thoughts— I’m not writing from an outline to produce a well-constructed…

An Unoriginal Beginning

I wonder how many thousands of Doctor Who fans have blogs or pages or image galleries called “Bigger on the Inside.” Not to mention the various official sites that probably have a page or a header by that name, or…