Category: Dr Who

Dr Who: Timelash

Program Note: Apologies to my loyal reader(s) for the lapse in this series. The past few weeks have had various sorts of busy-ness about them. And now, on with the post: The Story The planet Karfel is ruled by a…

Dr Who: The Two Doctors

“If anything happens to myself because of this, I will never forgive himself.” The Story The Second Doctor and Jaime visit a space station / research institute at the behest of the Time Lords, who are concerned about dangerous time…

Dr Who: The Mark of the Rani

“What do you two do in there?” “Argue, mostly.” Story The TARDIS is on the way to visit Kew Gardens in the early nineteenth century when it’s pulled off course to materialize in the mining village of Killingworth in the…

Dr Who: Into the Dalek

Dr Who does Fantastic Voyage (and gives proper credit with the Doctor’s “fantastic idea for a movie” line) but with an unusual choice of patient: a malfunctioning Dalek that’s turned “good” (but see below). The last time the series came…

Dr Who: Vengeance on Varos

The Story The TARDIS loses power in mid-flight, and can’t move again without a supply of the precious mineral Zeiton-7. There’s only just enough power to materialize on the only planet in the universe where Zeiton-7 can be found, Varos.…

Dr Who: Deep Breath

In the most recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine, which arrived in my mailbox just a few days before Deep Breath aired, Steven Moffat described his approach to the Twelfth Doctor’s premiere. He’s been saying for a while he plans…

Dr Who: Attack of the Cybermen

Program note: I’ll have a post on the new series’ “Deep Breath” tomorrow. I need a second viewing and some thinking time in order to have a fully-formed opinion. “That didn’t go so well, did it?” The Story The TARDIS…

Dr Who: The Twin Dilemma

“I am the Doctor— whether you like it or not.” Story Regeneration has left the Doctor mentally unstable, with wild mood swings from grandiose overconfidence to sudden cowardice to paranoia and outbursts of anger and violence— including a truly shocking…

Dr Who: Planet of Fire

“Look after him, will you? He gets in the most terrible trouble.” The Master regains control of Kamelion, who’s been sitting in some closet somewhere since coming aboard the TARDIS, and uses the android to steer the ship to the…