Category: Writing

What’s Next Around Here?

I’ve been wondering what to do with this blog, which has been adrift since I finished my “Dr Who From The Beginning” series. I haven’t mustered that much enthusiasm for reviewing current Dr Who episodes, for two reasons: There are…

A Dream of Adventure

Sometimes I dream in stories. I love it when that happens. Last night’s was a particularly good one. The “visuals” were great (elaborate palaces and temples, and bleak dungeons underneath) and the story held together and mostly made sense— even…

Happy Pub Date

Pub Date— Does that mean I’m meeting someone in a bar for a romantic evening? No, it means today’s the day my first book comes out: I’ve been thinking of this as “Launch Day” or “Release Day” or “Oh Wow…

Planning the Invasion

Ever since my first novel was accepted for publication, I’ve had a self-imposed deadline on completion of my second: the finished manuscript must be in my agent’s hands by the same day the first novel ships. That day arrives on…

Thinking About Superman

Superman is my favorite superhero. With the new movie coming out tomorrow (as I type this), I’ve been thinking about that lately. What follows is a ramble through those thoughts— I’m not writing from an outline to produce a well-constructed…

An Unoriginal Beginning

I wonder how many thousands of Doctor Who fans have blogs or pages or image galleries called “Bigger on the Inside.” Not to mention the various official sites that probably have a page or a header by that name, or…