Author: kfgoodnight

Dr Who: City of Death

For the first time in its history, Dr Who filmed outside of the UK, crossing the channel to do the location work for this story in Paris. Having extracted funding from the BBC for the purpose, the production team was…

The Weekend of the Doctor

Because the 50th Anniversary had just too much for the day of the Doctor. First off, apologies to those who follow my “Dr Who from the Start” series for missing last week. I was in Houston for homecoming at my…

Dr Who: Destiny of the Daleks

The TARDIS lands on Skaro, where the Doctor and a brand-new Romana (see below) discover the Daleks have returned to their home planet and are digging down into the ruins of the old Kaled city (destroyed in Genesis of the…

Happy Pub Date

Pub Date— Does that mean I’m meeting someone in a bar for a romantic evening? No, it means today’s the day my first book comes out: I’ve been thinking of this as “Launch Day” or “Release Day” or “Oh Wow…

Dr Who: The Armageddon Factor

[Caution: this post contains spoilers for the story] The quest for the Key to Time reaches its conclusion, and we finally get some attention to the overall story arc— but just barely, and the story itself is distinctly unexciting. It’s…

Dr Who: The Power of Kroll

The search for the fifth segment of the Key to Time takes the Doctor and Romana to the swamp-covered third moon of Delta Magna, where a conflict between the crew of a methane refinery and the tribal natives called “Swampies”…

Dr Who: The Androids of Tara

This is a really fun story, and may be the best of the Key to Time season so far. It’s a lighthearted adventure cheerfully ripped off from— er, a cheerful homage to— The Prisoner of Zenda, as the search for…

Dr Who: The Stones of Blood

The search for the third segment of the Key to Time leads the Doctor, Romana and K-9 to the Doctor’s favorite planet, Earth, in a story that is a complete opposite from last week’s. While The Pirate Planet featured the…

Dr Who: The Pirate Planet

I’m of two minds about this story. On the one hand, it’s an entirely comical episode of Dr Who, and that’s fun. On the other hand, it’s an entirely comical episode of Dr Who, and that’s kind of annoying. The…

Dr Who: The Ribos Operation

A new season for Dr Who, and a much-improved start over the way the last season ended. The difference is glaring when going through these episodes one per week (it would probably have been less so for original viewers, who…