Author: kfgoodnight

Dr Who: Arc of Infinity

Fan Conventional Wisdom (FCW) calls this another poor story, following right on the disappointing Time-flight. I remember finding it pretty weak when I originally saw it back in the day, and as a result haven’t taken a look at it…

Dr Who: Time-Flight

At present-day Heathrow airport, a Concorde on landing approach vanishes in mid-air— it doesn’t crash, it just disappears. While en route to the Great Exhibition of 1851, the TARDIS encounters a “time contour” and makes a forced landing, ending up…

Dr Who: Earthshock

It’s the 26th century on Earth. A team of commandos (it’s never explained whether they’re soldiers or police) is heading down into a cave where a group of scientists on a research survey were attacked, leaving only one survivor. As…

Dr Who: Black Orchid

Addendum to Last Week’s Post: Your humble Dr Who columnist is embarrassed to admit leaving out an event of enormous significance in last week’s discussion of The Visitation. It should have gone in the “details” section, as follows: At one point…

Dr Who: The Visitation

Now that things have settled down a bit, the Doctor attempts to get Tegan back to Heathrow airport in time for the flight she was trying to catch way back in Logopolis when she wandered into the TARDIS hoping to…

Dr Who: Kinda

The TARDIS lands in the Garden of Eden, almost literally— although the story is based on Buddhism rather than Genesis. Kinda is an unusual story for Dr Who, having more to do with philosophy than adventure, and although the obligatory…

Dr Who: Four to Doomsday

In a twist on the alien-invasion-of-Earth storyline, the TARDIS arrives on an alien spacecraft four days out from reaching Earth to begin its invasion. The frog-like Urbankans, only three of whom seem to be in evidence (we later learn where…

Dr Who: Castrovalva

Season 19 begins and the first task the series much achieve is presenting a new Doctor to the viewers. This is something every post-regeneration episode of the series has to do, and the way they’ve done it has varied. When…

Dr Who: Logopolis

“The Master’s already at work on Logopolis— I’m going to stop him if it’s the last thing I do.” [Warning: spoilers below] Disturbed by events on Traken, especially the way the Master disguised his TARDIS, the Doctor decides it’s time…

Dr Who: The Keeper of Traken

Emerging back into normal space (after escaping E-space at the end of the last story), the Doctor and Adric find the TARDIS passing near a region called Metulla Orionsis, location of the Union of Traken, known to be the most…